OMO TAG | Omo/Persil
Detergent brands have long used the same sampling methods in Lebanon and worldwide. To capture attention at traditional shopping points and reinforce its “Dirt is Good” brand purpose, Unilever’s OMO decided to innovate in-store sampling by taking its product to people's clothes before they get dirty.
The OMO Tag, made entirely from OMO detergent, is a water-soluble tag that can be placed in the washer. One tag is sufficient to remove dirt from three garments.
Case Film
- Shortlist x3 / Cannes Lions / Brand Experience & Activation (2), Media
- Grand Prix / Dubai Lynx / Brand Experience & Activation
- Gold / Dubai Lynx / Outdoor
- Silver x 2 / Dubai Lynx / Brand Experience & Activation, Outdoor
- Bronze x 2 / Dubai Lynx / Outdoor, Direct